Connecting with Your-SELF: How Invested are You?

Well, I have officially passed my one year mark as an online educator. I cannot believe how fast this year has passed. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I am aware of the different states I am present with.  Connecting with my “self” I always analyze my place and position to evaluate it’s purposefulness to my life. In 12 short, fast paced weeks my family will greet our 4th born child, a son! I cannot even begin to express the mountain of emotions I feel for this new adventure that is about to begin.  I am so, incredibly ready for this hike. I want to be effective with my time, not just busy….but effective!

Investing MY Time: The Fall semester is going so fast. We are already in the middle of week 4! I am preparing my notes to provide detail progress reports for my students. My grade book is booming with eloquent submissions from my students. Discussion boards are thriving. Student and peer collaboration is taking place. Every semester I improve, and I feel it this time! I am so much more productive in my time spent in my classes. Interactions with my students are more “experienced, seasoned, and precise” as I have had the opportunity to teach several classes multiple the content and hurdles are known to me. I know exactly what hi-cups to expect and have the words to guide my students into a successful learning experience.

A New Skill and Knowledge: Having had the opportunity to explore a class that I do not teach, I was able to identify it’s alignment with state content standards. This experience opened my eyes to evaluate the classes I am currently teaching, which has in turn improved my feedback to the students using verbiage that correlates with these standards. I think it is so important for the students to have sense of value in what they are learning, and this helps instill that value on a different level.

Maximizing MY life: I have a new class that I am beyond thrilled to be instructing! I was blessed with “Criminology” on my course list this semester. For those that know me, Crime Drama is my favorite (only) genre I watch on television. I have always had a curiosity with humanity and how the mind functions. I read, and re-read the students responses…there is such a transparency in this class and the level of critical thinking and writing the students engage in is astounding. The connected-ness to real world application is unparalleled! The “extras” I get to give the students in feedback because there are endless examples to share with the content and discussions.

As I wrap up the first check point of the semester, I encourage you to reflect and connect with your SELF…because your needs matter and you have a purpose! Invest in your SELF.



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